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The Superbeing System
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Why go 100% raw, how to motivate yourself to do it and stick with it long term.
This is the second handout from my Raw Passion Talks. This
one was super popular at the seminar. I've also added more
detail and another valuable tip. There are 25 tips included.

Raw Passion Philadelphia:

10:55-11:10 Small Group Presentations: Raw Motivation by
Roger Haeske

Why go 100% raw, how to motivate yourself to do it and
stick with it long term.

1. Eating 100% raw gives you far better health results than
even 90% raw.

2. It's easier to stay 100% raw than 80% raw. You don't
give yourself a choice as far as cooked food and therefore
you only think about raw food options. Plus you can't give
up an addiction partially.

3. Use the prime human motivational factors: The desire to
gain Pleasure and to avoid Pain

4. Create a list of all the benefits you believe you will
receive by staying 100% raw. www.HowToGoRaw.com has a list of
over 40 powerful benefits of eating a raw food diet. Read that list every morning for 30 days and it will get you excited at
the prospects of going raw.

5. Realize all the toxins that are in cooked food. Cooked
food is poison.

6. Visualize all the sickness and disease you will
experience if you continue to eat cooked food. You are only
going to get worse. Get emotionally involved.

7. If you crave cooked food just eat more raw food until
you are full. Cravings will go away.

8. Remember to focus on the reasons you decided to go raw.
Focus on the benefits of going raw. Get excited. Cravings
are 10 times less if you focus on the benefits rather than
what you are missing. Remember 'opportunity cost,' if you
eat cooked food you miss out on great health, happiness,
deeper spirituality and peak performance. You always have to
make a choice in life.

9. Never focus on what you are missing out on. Don't think
about all the Pizza you can't eat anymore. Instead realize
that you can eat delicious fruits and vegetables and that
you can even eat raw pizza. There are delicious raw
substitutes for just about any food you can think of.

10. Raw foods not only taste good but they make you feel
good after eating them. With cooked food you only get good
taste, but once it gets past your throat, you'll end up
regretting what you ate.

11. Cooked food doesn't taste that good after you have been
eating only raw food for a long time. The first thing you'll
realize is that it is lifeless in your mouth.

12. The longer you go raw the easier and more natural part
of your lifestyle it becomes. It doesn't take me willpower
to eat raw anymore. That was really only within the first
month. After that I would only have sporadic occasions where
I desired cooked food. Over time that diminishes. But you
must stay 100% raw or you will get drawn back to eating
cooked food.

13. You can't allow yourself a few cooked meals per week.
The addictive nature of cooked food will have you in its
trap and you'll soon realize that you are eating close to
50% cooked food instead of your desired (say 90% raw food
diet). You can never fully detoxify if you are still
regularly allowing cooked food in your diet.

14. Cooked food is an addiction like smoking, alcohol and
drugs. It works like a drug in your body.

15. Make friends with raw foodists. Go to raw potlucks. Get
a raw food mentor.

16. Get coaching and support from experienced raw food
coaches. Visit www.HowToGoRaw.com for more info on my Raw
Coaching Services.

17. Go to talks and seminars by raw food leaders. What you
did today will take you a long way to being successful at
the raw lifestyle.

18. Learn to make one new raw recipe per week.

19. Make sure you are eating enough calories from fruit.
Most people when first going raw under eat because the extra
water, fiber and nutrients in raw foods makes them feel full
before they consumed enough calories. Many people fail on
the raw diet for this very reason. You might feel you ate
enough but are wondering why you are always hungry. The
simple answer is that compared to eating cooked foods you
are eating much less calorie wise than you used to eat. Raw
food has so much more bulk and is generally less in calories
so that you have to learn to stretch your stomach a little
to get enough calories to be satiated.

20. Be a leader. You can't worry about the opinion of
others if you want to be in charge of your health. A great
and liberating book for raw foodists and all people to read
is "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World," by Harry
Browne. I highly recommend it.

21. Go 100% raw for at least 2 months to establish a new

22. Allow yourself the possibility of eating cooked food
again after that two month period. This way you won't feel
like you are completely depriving yourself. Cooked food will
always be there.

23. After being 100% raw for a month you'll immediately
feel the bad health effects if you decide to eat cooked food.

24. Cooked food is Anti-Spirit, Anti-Health and Anti-
Happiness: Do you want these negative forces in your life?

25. Any habit can be established within 21 to 30 days.
Though an addiction like cooked food can take much longer to become a permanent part of your lifestyle. But within a
month you’ll be well on your way to autopilot with eating

Get my 6-step report on how to transition to an Optimal
100% Raw Food Diet. Go to www.HowToGoRaw.com for this and
much more.

To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness, Roger Haeske


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